The next CPD event entitled Invasive Species and Archaeology – Awareness and Best Practice will takes place on Friday 25th October 2019 in Transport Infrastructure Ireland office, Parkgate Street, Dublin. IAI is delighted to partner with TII’s Environmental Policy and Compliance section, who has designed a half day training seminar, offering the participant an opportunity…
Unique opportunity to learn about the usefulness and value of UAV’s for archaeologists and learn about the guidance and best practice in terms of operating a UAV. This event will include a practical drone flight session with expert trainers. The event runs from 1.30-8pm. Full details and registration forms on the CPD section of the…
IAI are proud to support the ‘Clay Tobacco Pipes’ Conference in honour of Joe Norton, that will take place in Millmount Museum, Drogheda, Co. Louth on Saturday 18th May 2019 from 9am. A strong line up of speakers promise to make the conference a very worthwhile conference -full detail – Pipe conference brochure 2
Following an interesting conference where the multiple, sometimes hidden, faces of archaeology were celebrated the Newsletter Editor would like to extend the deadline for submissions for the IAI newsletter to the 4th of May 2019. I look forward to hearing from our specialists, illustrators, consultants, fieldworkers and everyone in between via email at newsletter[@] or…
We’re looking forward to meeting with our many Members and non-Members at the IAI2019 Conference in River Lee Hotel, Cork on Friday 5 and Saturday 6 April 2019. A very strong line up of speakers discussing many issues. Click to download – IAI Conference 2019 booklet of abstracts
The 2019 IAI Conference will take place in the River Lee Hotel, Co. Cork on April 5th and 6th. The Conference, “Now and Again: Current and Recurring Issues Facing Irish Archaeologists”, will examine the Archaeological Profession itself. A number of Key Stakeholders have confirmed their attendance and will be giving position papers, including: Michael MacDonagh,…
Registration is now open for IAI 2019 conference. Those wishing to avail of this service should follow the link – Reservations
JIA Call for Papers and announcement of shorter paper format The Call for Papers for Vol. XXVIII 2019 of the Journal of Irish Archaeology (to be published in late 2019) will close on 28 February 2019. In addition to longer PAPERS, the Journal of Irish Archaeology is now also seeking submissions of shorter REPORTS….
The call for papers for the IAI 2019 Conference is now open. IAI 2019 Conference will take place in the River Lee Hotel, Co. Cork on April 5th and 6th 2019. The title of this Conference is “Now and Again: Current and Recurring Issues Facing Irish Archaeologists” and the theme for Day 1 of…
A position for Curatorial E – Archaeologist, Historic Environment Division, Northern Ireland Civil Service has been advertised. Closing date is Friday 30th November 2018. Full details (click to download pdf) – Job advert