Impending strike action

The IAI is aware of impending strike action by the Archaeology Branch of the UNITE trade union as part of an ongoing industrial dispute with IAC Ltd. The IAI Board urges all parties to make use of the State’s industrial relations apparatus in order to resolve their differences and avoid further industrial action. The recent…

Dig: the value of archaeology for society and the economy

IAI are proud to be partners in the forthcoming conference – Dig: the value of archaeology for society and the economy, which takes place between Kilkenny and Dublin from 5-9th of November 2018. A range of excellent speakers and topical/informative workshops takes place during the conference, all as part of a celebration of the European…

Board vacancies

The IAI is currently seeking expressions of interest from Members to serve on the Board of the Institute. The current vacancies are available:   Honorary Secretary Treasurer Ordinary Board Member   Any Full Member (MIAI) in good standing is eligible to serve on the Board. Please forward any expressions of interest by Friday 3rd August…

CPD workshop of post medieval pottery 13 October 2018

IAI is delighted to offer a CPD practical workshop of post-medieval pottery titled Pottery Identification (i) – post medieval pottery and associated material on Saturday 13th October 2018 in IAI office (Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland) 63 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. The trainers are Rosanne Meenan (Independent ceramic expert) and Frank Myles (Archaeology and…

CPD workshop on Experimental Archaeology Saturday 21 July

IAI is delighted to offer an experimental archaeology CPD workshop delivered by UCD Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture, University College Dublin. The workshop titled Early medieval iron smelting workshop for archaeologists will take place on Saturday 21 July 2018 in the Centre for Experimental Archaeology and Material Culture within the grounds of UCD. The trainers…