The Journal of Irish Archaeology welcomes Dr Kerri Cleary to the Board

The IAI welcomes Dr Kerri Cleary  to the Editorial Board of the Journal of Irish Archaeology. Dr Cleary will be well known to IAI members as having a strong publication record and as an experienced and active archaeologist in the commercial sector. As such, her contribution to forthcoming journals is very much appreciated by the…

Statement in solidarity with the people of Ukraine

Statement in solidarity with the people of Ukraine The Chairperson and Board of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland (IAI) are appalled and deeply concerned by the ongoing military incursion by Russian forces on the territory of Ukraine, which is an unprovoked act of aggression towards the people of Ukraine. As the representative organisation for…

General Scheme of the Monuments and Archaeological Heritage Bill

Pre-legislative Scrutiny of the above Bill has been taking place at the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing, Local Government and Heritage. This should be of concern to all archaeologists working in Ireland. The General Scheme of the Bill is available HERE. So far, hearings have taken place on the 27th January and the 3rd February…

Board positions

Currently the IAI Board is seeking to appoint an IAI News Editor as a full board member, and also a GDPR Compliance Officer. The latter may be an IAI member of any grade with prior experience of GDPR compliance within a company or organisation. We are also seeking full members to join the board as Vice-Chair or Conference Organiser (both positions from…

IAI Post-Excavation Workshop

The IAI is aware that there has been a significant rise in the number of excavations now taking place and the resulting post-excavation work. We feel it is timely to discuss with all members, specialists and practitioners the processes and requirements of post-excavation work for accessioning material to the NMI and NMS archive, to ensure…

CPD Exploring our Vernacular Heritage (free/online)

The IAI is pleased to announce a CPD presentation by Barry O’Reilly of the National Inventory of Architectural Heritage, on Friday 22nd October, at 2 pm. This seeks to highlight the distinctiveness of our vernacular heritage as the most fundamental and enduring aspect of human activity. Its relevance for the archaeologist is illustrated through exploring its…

CPD event on Heritage Council projects and funding (free/online)

The IAI is delighted to announce an online  CPD event by Ian Doyle of theHeritage Council, on Friday 15th October, at 2pm. Ian will describe the work of the Heritage Council across its many programmes and will describe the main kinds of funding schemes that are available. Details on archaeological projects and in particular those…

Administrator/CPD Co-ordinator post

The IAI is seeking to recruit a suitable candidate for the position of Administrator & Continuous Professional Development (CPD) Co-ordinator. The successful candidate will be responsible for coordinating all administrative duties linked with the Institute, which is the representative body for the archaeological profession on the island of Ireland. As the  Administrator and CPD Co-ordinator…