Conservation in Common with CIfA and the Royal Society of Ulster Architects

As part of the “Conservation in Common” series of events, IAI member Cóilín Ó Drisceoil from the National Monuments Service and CIfA members Kara Ward and Vicky Ginn from the Historic Environment Division NI will give a paper entitled Informing climate change responses: the role of archaeology online next Thursday November 9th from 1 to 2pm. For more details on…

Seeking submissions for upcoming newsletter!

The IAI is currently seeking news items for its upcoming newsletter. If you have any updates to share, big or small, please forward them to [email protected] with the subject line ‘Newsletter’ by close of business on November 17th. We’re happy to take submissions on current excavations, research, artefactual and /or ecofactual analysis and everything in between!

New RIA Grant Scheme – “Rural, Coastal, and/or Island Communities”

The RIA has opened a new grant scheme which might be of interest. The Ireland – Scotland bilateral network grants came about following the publication of the Scottish Irish Bilateral Review, and with which the Royal Irish Academy and Royal Society of Edinburgh were involved.  In 2023, the Ireland–Scotland Bilateral Network Grants invites applications which address…

IAI Extraordinary General Meeting

Further to advice received during recent governance training, the board of the IAI would like to notify our members of our intention to update our Articles of Association to a more modern, concise and flexible Constitution. We intend commencing a pre-draft consultation phase in the coming months and would appreciate any constructive engagement from the…

Lunchtime CPD on “An introduction to the collections of the Digital Repository of Ireland”

Join Lorraine Marrey, Training and Engagement Manager of the Digital Repository of Ireland (DRI) to learn more about Ireland’s free online social sciences research data and cultural heritage repository. Lorraine will take us through how to use the Repository for both personal and professional use highlighting features such as citation button, Endnote export, and IIIF…

In-depth Pottery Analysis Course with pottery specialist Clare McCutcheon

The IAI is delighted to announce an in-depth Pottery Analysis Course with pottery specialist Clare McCutcheon. This course will take place over four Saturdays between October and December 2023. It will cover a range of topics including the preparation of pottery to send to specialists, licence eligibility interview, general knowledge of medieval & post medieval…