The Journal of Irish Archaeology – Editorial Board

The Journal of Irish Archaeology, which is published annually by the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland, is seeking expressions of interest from individuals with appropriate knowledge and experience to join the Editorial Board. Editorial Board members give their time on a voluntary basis, and help the editor as required throughout the year, advising on papers submitted, assisting in terms of identifying appropriate peer reviewers, and generally helping to maintain the standard of the journal. The Editorial Board typically holds one to two meetings per year and these are exclusively online.
Board members currently include individuals based in academic institutions, statutory bodies and the private sector. On this occasion, we are particularly (but not exclusively) interested in hearing from individuals whose experience is mainly in the professional ‘development-led’ area, individuals with expertise in the palaeo-environmental or other specialist fields, and those with publication experience.
If interested, please contact the convenor at [email protected] for further information, by April 18th.