The next CPD event entitled Invasive Species and Archaeology – Awareness and Best Practice will takes place on Friday 25th October 2019 in Transport Infrastructure Ireland office, Parkgate Street, Dublin.
IAI is delighted to partner with TII’s Environmental Policy and Compliance section, who has designed a half day training seminar, offering the participant an opportunity to learn about invasive alien plant species (IAPS) from some of Ireland’s leading experts.
The event will introduce participants in the identification of IAPS and the root systems of the species. The participants will learn about the legal mechanism applicable to encountering and interfering with IAPS. The participant will be informed, through case study experiences, of the issues involved in a development context when IAPS are present on/within close proximity to a site. The seminar will offer practical advice on the do’s and don’ts of cleaning tools, equipment and machinery (where applicable) that are in use in an area of IAPS.
This is a free event to attend. Registration is essential, so please populate and return via email the registration form. Full details and registration form on CPD event page of the website.