New IAI Staff Member

The IAI is delighted to welcome Dr Ellen O’Carroll as our newest member of staff. Ellen will be providing maternity cover for the CPD Coordinator and Administrator role for the remainder of the year.
Dr. Ellen O’Carroll has worked as an archaeologist in Ireland for over 25 years, both in the commercial and research sector. She has worked as both a licensed archaeological Director as well as an environmental specialist and has been involved in many different multi-proxy environmental and archaeological studies (eg. FoodCult, IPeAAT, Bord na Móna peatland excavations and surveys, Lisheen archaeological projects, WODAN, INSTAR seeing beyond the site and the National Museum of Ireland’s Irish Bog Body Project). She is currently Chairperson of the EAI (Environmental Archaeologists in Ireland) and was a committee member and newsletter editor of IQUA (Irish Quaternary Association) for over 6 years.
Ellen has been involved in many large infrastructural projects where she has worked in a Project Environmental Specialist capacity role. She has just finished reviewing and updating Transport Infrastructural Ireland (TII) Palaeo-environmental guidelines and is a leading specialist in charcoal, wood and pollen analysis. She has published widely on her research projects and environmental archaeological work as well as on the current TII guidelines (review and update) in national and international Journals.